It all begins with an idea. You may want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. How about a creative project that you want to share with the world. Shoot you may just have a cause you want to get behind or vision for your family. At Evolution Financial we understand that money isn’t that isn’t the DESTINATION it is just the VEHICLE that gets us there.
Let’s BUILD together.
One of the things I noticed in my travels around the world as a professional athlete was the lack of collectivism back home in the US. In a nation full of ideas, innovation and resources, our focus at Evolution Financial is to use financial intelligence as the bridge between our business, creative, and technical communities. We believe that free enterprise is the best way to EMPOWER our communities with the skills, information and resources required to execute change.
- Founder, Greg Brown
Relationships and resources
We realized the two key components when building anything (businesses, communities, families, etc) are RELATIONSHIPS and RESOURCES. And when we win in both areas we produce a level of FREEDOM and IMPACT that many of us desire to experience. We’ve made a commitment to build communities that foster transformational relationships and empowering those communities with the resources required to make a difference.
We are a fintech insurance platform that leverages creative marketing strategies to educate and inform our clients about the foundations of building wealth in America. We believe that wealth creation is a fundamental component for innovation and that the retention of that wealth is what separates the ‘rich’ and the WEALTHY. With diversity playing a key role in our expansion we are committed to serving middle America and helping families along their journey to true FREEDOM in America.
“I have an MBA in business and I learned more about personal finance in this 1 hour workshop than I did in all my years in college
—Senior Chief Wilson, Navy
“With all do respect to other financial professionals, Greg [and his team] are the only people I trust to handle this, especially when it comes to insurance”
—Angelo I, Real Estate Investor
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